JOB LOCATION: Rockville, MD 20850

Enig Associates, Inc. is a small, scientific/engineering firm, established in 1985, now conducting theoretical modeling research mainly in the following areas: electrodynamics; radiation transport; radio frequency signatures; electromagnetic pulse device design; high power microwave design; magnetohydrodynamics; computational magnetohydrodynamics; computational electromagnetics; advanced warhead design. An entry level postdoc position requiring a Ph.D. is open for physicists and electrical engineers of varying experience to work with an all-Ph.D staff of theoretical and computational physicists, mathematicians, applied and quantum chemists, and electrical engineers who are international experts in their respective fields. Selected candidates are to perform complex, theoretical modeling in the above noted areas. Customers include DARPA, ARL/WMRD, MDA, SMDC, ONR, NRL, NRO, and AFRL (RW/RV/RD).

Skill Sets:

Successful candidates must have a good publication record — depending on years of experience — which need not necessarily be in the above technical areas, but should demonstrate technical growth in theoretical physical/mathematical modeling. Applications are particularly welcome from theoretical/computational physicists/electrical engineers working in astrophysics and plasma, condensed matter, and engineering physics. Resumes from new/recent Ph.Ds are encouraged. Strong written and oral skills are required as these positions involve interaction with company sponsors. Knowledge of MATLAB, FORTRAN, Mathematica, COMSOL 4.0/5.0, and microwave simulation software are preferred skills, but not required.

Job Duties:

Each position is a technical position: those whose strong interests are in business administration or engineering administration/management should not apply. Successful candidates will be joining a firm moving into its next phase of growth. The work is cutting-edge, innovative, difficult, and exciting. Several career tracks exist, including possible advancement into Principal Investigator positions on large DoD programs. Occasional out-of-town travel will be required.


Enig Associates, Inc. full-time employees participate in a Blue-Cross/Blue-Shield PPO medical insurance program consisting of employer/employee contributions. Additionally, the company provides an employer-paid Blue-Cross/Blue-Shield PPO dental program. Also available to employees is an employee-contributed 401(k) plan.

Security / Clearance Requirements:

U.S. citizenship and the ability to obtain a Department of Defense security clearance are required for this position. U.S. citizenship with active Department of Defense security clearance is preferred. Candidates who can demonstrate inactive/prior DoD or DOE collateral (minimum) level clearance, as well as candidates who can obtain a FINAL collateral within twelve (12) months may be considered.


Four (4) references, two (2) being recent (i.e., within the last five years) professional, in nature, are requested.

Apply Now

Prospective candidates should send cover letters and CVs to